What is DNS?

Nasal septum is a cartilage that separates the two nostrils. Normally septum divides nostrils in two equal parts, but sometimes it becomes off centre or deviated making one nasal passage smaller than the other. A slight uneven septum is a common feature and about 80% people have deviated septum to certain degrees, and do not present with any symptoms.

Severe unevenness of nasal septum which may lead to complications like blockage of nostrils and difficulty in breathing due to narrowing of the nasal passage, is know as deviated nasal septum (DNS).


DNS is mostly a congenital condition and may develop during fetal growth in the womb, though, it may also be caused due to some mis-happenings, like injuries during contact sports such as boxing, rough fights and automobile accidents. In infants it may be caused due to injuries during child birth.

Signs & Symptoms

Most of the people with slight deviation of nasal septum do not present with any significant symptom. The need to see a doctor arises when DNS is severe and present with symptoms like-

  • obstruction of one or more nostrils, making it difficult to breathe
  • upper respiratory infections where nasal passage becomes swollen and further increase the problem
  • regular exposure of the enlarged nostrils to dry air, which may result into crusting and bleeding
  • pressure on one side of the face due to deviated septum leading to one sided facial pains
  • deviation or swelling in the intranasal tissues that might become the cause of regular snoring or noisy breathing during sleep
  • having side preferences for sleeping, preferably sleeping on the side in which one finds easy to breathe;
  • start presenting with symptoms of sinus infections.


A severe deviated nasal septum may lead to complications like –

  • dry mouth, due to chronic and frequent breathing from mouth
  • feeling of permanent pressure and congestion in nasal passage
  • uncomfortable and disturbed sleep due to difficult breathing
  • middle ear infections due to frequent upper respiratory infections
  • atrophic rhinitis
  • as a trigger factor for bronchospasm


Need to see a doctor arises when difficulty in breathing becomes permanent and severe, there are frequent nosebleeds and recurrent sinus infections.

If the doctor finds the history of facial trauma, with complaints of nasal obstruction, difficulty in breathing, headaches and bleeding, he may examine the nose of the patient by instruments designed for investigating the nostrils to confirm if DNS is present. The examinations include anterior rhinoscopy and cold spatula test. These test help in diagnosing DNS, and also determine the seriousness of the disease.

Homeopathic Treatment for Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)

Permanent solution to the problem of deviated nasal septum can only be achieved by surgery, though, most of the people do not choose this option due to the costs and risks involved. DNS symptoms can be effectively managed through other ways of treatment which can save a person from undergoing surgery. They may need not provide a permanent solution, but help to live with the condition in a better way.

Homeopathic medicines prove to be very helpful in the management of symptoms of DNS. For acute or chronic conditions one must consult the best homeopathic doctor for getting symptomatic relief and enhancing or improving immunity, as DNS predisposes to other respiratory diseases. In case of DNS, homeopathic medicines are given on the basis of one’s constitution which helps in reducing the recurrences and build resistance towards the frequent infections. Nowadays, one can consult best homeopathic doctor at home only by taking homeopathic doctor consultation online.

Though it is always better to go for constitutional treatment as then the medicines are prescribed on the individual basis and help to treat the disease from roots, yet some prominent symptoms of DNS can be treated by common homeopathic medicines like allium cepa, arsenic album, arum triphyllum, syphilinum, euphrasia, etc.